Johnson Ekpong Agbike (1953 - 2004)
About the 11th hour on the 25th of October 2004, Mr. Johnson Ekpong Agbike breathe his last after a surprise visitation from death that left him no chance to say his last words. He died at the age of 54 living behind his Wife, our mother Rhoda Johnson and Seven Children Happiness, Joseph, Ezekiel, John, Sarah, Emmanuel and Peter. This JEA foundation is to put to effect what we his children believe would have been his last words to us and everyone that knew him. And to reflect on what these last words would be, we see a connection of our father’s lifestyle illustrated in the words contained in the letter of Paul the Apostle of Jesus Christ to the Corinthian church according to the Bible.
„To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. “– 1 Corinthians 9:22
These words also serve as the motto of this Foundation. Johnson Ekpong Agbike was the only son of his parents, he had 9 sisters. He, was someone who just loved people and could identify with any kind of person, no matter the age, culture, religious inclination, financial/social status. He believed that education was key to being an authority. And even though he regrettably turned down a scholarship offer to study in the UK (in the days when Nigerian economy was doing great), he unselfishly and without jealousy supported and encouraged others to get education, to pursue their dreams and to travel the world. This is the legacy we aim to continue as we launch this foundation in his memory to the glory of God.
While the aim of the foundation is to offer material support and training, we hope that this foundation will be a place of hope and refuge for people; a place where purpose will be discovered, and passion rekindled.
1. We value the word of God, the Bible as our main source of inspiration and standard.
2. We value the individual. Everyone has something to offer and as such has a value.
• Giving people a platform to develop their talents
• Developing potentials into realities
• Stimulating a self-sustaining community
• Agriculture: large scale farming and training of farmers
• Sports development: discovering and training of talents to hopefully Elite status
• Music/Art training: establishing a music and art training center
• Skill acquisition: organizing strategic workshops and seminars to inform and recruit participants
• Mentoring/Coaching
• Registrations of the foundation in Germany
• Soccer Clinics/Outreaches
• Renovation of burial site of Mr. Johnson Agbike by Oct 2020
• Establishing a Training center in Oju Local government by 2028
You can donate sport equipment to help our efforts. We have a simple procedure to collect and deliver sport equipment!
We are open to receive supports toward building sport center.